

きよせニンニンポイントアプリPrivacy Policy (In English)

Date of Enforcement: August 1, 2008 Last Revised: August 18, 2022 FeliCa Pocket Marketing Inc. Tetsuji Osamura, President and Representative Director

Concerning the protection of all personal information handled by us, we are fully aware of our social mission and comply with all laws and regulations regarding the protection of the rights of the individual and personal information. In addition, we hereby declare that we establish a personal information protection management system to realize the following policy and that we will make company-wide efforts for its continuous improvement while always being aware of the latest IT technology trends, changes in social demands, and changes in the business environment, and the like.

  1. Personal information shall be obtained, used, and provided only to the scope necessary for the conduct of our business and the employment and personnel management of our employees. We will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use (beyond the intended use). Also, we will take measures to ensure this.
  2. We shall use personal information to help individuals enjoy the benefits of their achievements and realize a fulfilling life for them, and we shall strive to establish a customer-oriented business operation system.
  3. We will comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms for protecting personal information.
  4. Against risks such as leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, we will continuously improve our personal information security system by taking reasonable security measures and investing management resources that match the actual conditions of our business to prevent such risks. Furthermore, we will immediately take corrective measures if a security problem is identified.
  5. Regarding complaints and consultations concerning handling personal information, we will respond promptly, sincerely, and appropriately.
  6. We will review our personal information protection management system in a timely and appropriate manner in light of changes in the environment in which we operate and will continue to promote improvements to the system.

This policy shall be distributed to all employees and made known to them, and shall be made available to anyone at any time by posting it on our website, pamphlets, and other means.

End of Text

Acquisition of Privacy Mark

FeliCa Pocket Marketing, Inc. received the Privacy Mark certification from the Japan Information Processing and Development Center (JIPDEC) in May 2009.

Registration No. 21001311(03) Certified on March 26, 2021

Contact Information

 For inquiries regarding our Personal Information Protection Policy, please contact us at the following contact information:

Personal Information Inquiry Desk, FeliCa Pocket Marketing, Inc.

Sumitomo Realty & Development Suidobashi ikizaka Building 4th floor, 1-10-9 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan E-mail Address: personal-info@felicapocketmk.co.jp

NOTE: Inquiries on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays will be handled on the next business day or later.

 Click here for inquiries by E-mail form.

Handling of Personal Information / Public Announcement on Personal Information

 Based on Article 27 “Public Disclosure etc. on Matters relating to Retained Personal Data” of the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and JISQ15001: 2017 A “Public Disclosure etc. on Matters relating to Retained Personal Data,” we hereby publicly announce the following matters:

NOTE: We shall publicly announce the following matters as “Retained Personal Data” (*1) regardless of the length of time the data is retained.

1.Name of Business Entity

FeliCa Pocket Marketing, Inc. President and Representative Director: Tetsuji Osamura Sumitomo Realty & Development Suidobashi ikizaka Building 4th floor, 1-10-9 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

2.Name or Title and Affiliation of the Personal Information Protection Manager (or their representative)

Manager’s Name: Personal Information Protection Manager Department: General Manager, Sales Promotion Department, FeliCa Pocket Marketing, Inc. Contact E-mail address: personal-info@felicapocketmk.co.jp

3.Purpose of Use of Retained Personal Data

(Including some purposes of use that are not personal data in possession.)

(1) Purpose of use when obtaining personal information directly from the person in writing, etc. (including information via a website, e-mail, etc.; hereinafter referred to as “Written Documents”)

Classification Purpose of Use Disclosure Category
Customer information – To analyze the acquired information in order to guide and provide services that meet the needs of our customers. – To share the information with AEON Group companies for the above purposes. – To provide information on our company. – To use the information in information banks. Disclose
Shareholder information – To disclose information, to distribute materials, and to communicate. Disclose
Business partner information – To contact for business negotiations and other business-related matters. – To place and receive orders, and to bill and pay. Disclose
Employee information – To manage personnel and labor, business, health, and security management for employees. – To provide benefits, education and training opportunities. – To send newsletters and other communications. – To provide information to third parties for the purpose of contracted services from local governments, car sharing and car rental agreements, etc. – To share the information with AEON Group companies. Disclose
Specified personal information – To be used for the purposes stipulated in the Number Law. Disclose
Personal information concerning recruitment applicants – To contact recruitment applicants. – To analyze information obtained from resumes, interviews, etc., and use the results of such analysis to consider and decide whether to accept or reject applicants. – To share the information with AEON Group companies. Disclose

(2) Purpose of use when obtaining personal information directly from the person other than in writing

Classification Purpose of Use Disclosure Category
Customer information – (Telephone call records) To process orders received by telephone and to confirm the contents of orders. – (Surveillance camera video records) For crime prevention. Disclose

(3) Purpose of use when acquiring personal information indirectly from business partners, etc.

Classification Purpose of Use Disclosure Category
Personal information obtained from publicly available information For marketing analysis in the planning and development of new products and services. <Target publicly available information> NTT telephone directories, residential maps, membership lists of associations Disclose
Personal information provided by partner companies To respond to inquiries about our products, services, etc. through our affiliated companies, and to provide information about products, services, etc. that are inquired about. Not Disclose
Personal information entrusted to us in association with entrusted business operations – To execute contracts for the following contracted services related to our legitimate business: – Mail delivery service – Point management services – Call center operations – Campaign office agency works – Businesses incidental to the above – To contact and communicate within the scope of the above purposes. Not Disclose

(4) Purpose of use when obtaining personal information indirectly from a provider

Classification Purpose of Use Disclosure Category
Customer information – To analyze the obtained information and research the company. – To use the information in the information bank. Disclose
Personal information concerning recruitment applicants – To contact recruitment applicants. – To analyze information obtained from resumes, interviews, etc., and use the results of such analysis to consider and decide whether to accept or reject applicants. Disclose

Whenever we receive personal information directly in writing, we will clearly state the purpose of use.

However, the following cases are excluded:

(1) Cases in which notifying the person of the purpose of use or publicly announcing it may harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person or a third party,

(2) Cases in which notifying the person of the purpose of use or publicly announcing it may harm our rights or legitimate interests,

(3) Cases in which it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or local public body in the performance of its duties as prescribed by law and in which notifying the person of the purpose of use or publicly announcing it may impede the performance of such duties, and

(4) Cases in which the purpose of use is recognized to be clear in light of the acquisition circumstances.

4.Handling of Personal Information

We will not use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use stated in “3. Purpose of Use of Retained Personal Data” (no beyond-the-intended use).

5.Management of Personal Information (Appropriate Management)

We will appoint a person responsible for managing personal information, complying with laws and regulations, industry guidelines, and internal rules regarding personal information, and taking the utmost care in handling customers’ personal information. In addition, we make every effort to keep customers’ personal information accurate and up-to-date and implement appropriate management to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of customers’ personal information. Our specific management measures include, for example, the following:

(1) We continuously provide internal training on protecting and appropriately handling customers’ personal information.

(2) We periodically conduct appropriate audits and review our management system to protect personal information.

6.Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information

In cases where we entrust the handling of our customer’s personal information, etc., to a subcontractor, we will supervise the subcontractor in a necessary and appropriate manner. In cases of two or more levels of consignment, such as re-consignment and repeated consignment, etc., we will also supervise whether the consignee is adequately supervising the re-consigned party, etc. We will not entrust the handling of customers’ personal information to any third party outside of Japan without the customer’s consent.

7.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not provide personal information of customers, etc. to third parties (including information banks and third parties located abroad), except when we have obtained your prior consent or when permitted by law (including the Personal Information Protection Law and related laws and regulations (including respective guidelines); the same applies hereinafter).

8.Sharing of Personal Data

– Personal Data of Customers

We may share the personal data of customers with our group companies.

(1) Purpose of Sharing Personal Data

It follows “3. Purpose of Use of Retained Personal Data.”

(2) Items of Sharing Personal Data

①Name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, address, E-mail address, information on family members, information on workplace, information on customer assets and liabilities, information on transaction needs, information on customer attributes such as public information, and other information declared by the customer.

②Information on the content of individual transactions with customers, such as the type of various services, etc., contract date, transaction status, balance, due date, transaction history, website browsing history, etc.

(3) Scope of Parties with Which Personal Information is Shared

Domestic consolidated companies listed in the annual securities report of AEON Co., Ltd. and domestic affiliated companies to which each company is an equity method affiliate (however, companies that have already made an external notification following Article 27, Paragraph 5, Item 3 of the Personal Information Protection Law shall be included). Please refer here for AEON Group companies.

(4) Party Responsible for Management

FeliCa Pocket Marketing, Inc.

President and Representative Director: Tetsuji Osamura

Sumitomo Realty & Development Suidobashi ikizaka Building 4th floor, 1-10-9 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

– Personal data of directors, officers, employees, part-time employees, temporary employees, those who are under selection for employment, those who have been under selection for employment in the past, and those who have retired

We may share personal information (excluding specified personal information) of directors, employees, part-time workers, temporary employees, persons under selection for employment, persons who have been under selection for employment in the past, and retired employees with AEON Group companies, AEON Group companies’ health insurance unions, AEON Group companies’ corporate pension funds, AEON 1% Club, the AEON Good Life Club, AEON Labor Union Federation, and AEON Group companies’ labor union members, as follow:

However, the information will not be shared beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

(1) Purpose of use by persons with whom personal information is shared, Purpose of use as specified in 3 above

(2) Items of personal information to be shared

① Personnel and labor management information: name, employee number, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, affiliation, affiliation history, position, work history, job title, personnel evaluation, self-report, awards, disciplinary actions, educational background, family information, etc.

② Salary information: basic wages, bonuses, benefits, work status, income tax, resident tax, withholding tax, etc.

③ Education/training and ability information: education/training records, qualifications held, various assessments, etc.

④ Welfare information: Information on multiple congratulations and condolences, use of welfare facilities, etc.

⑤ Social insurance information: Health insurance, employee pension insurance, workers’ accident compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, etc.

⑥ Health information (NOTE): Information on health checkup results, health information related to leave of absence, etc. (excluding individual results of stress checks as stipulated in Article 66-10 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act)

NOTE: Health information shall be separately stipulated in detail in the “AEON Health Information Handling Regulations,” which are mandated by Article 104, Paragraph 3 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act and the “Guidelines on Measures to be Taken by Business Operators for the Proper Handling of Information on Workers’ Mental and Physical Condition.”

⑦ Others: Information on mental and physical disabilities necessary for employment promotion, information on work-related disasters, etc.

(3) Scope of Parties Sharing the Use of Information

AEON Group companies, AEON Group companies’ health insurance unions, AEON Group companies’ corporate pension funds, AEON 1% Club, AEON Good Life Club, AEON Labor Union Federation, and AEON Group companies’ labor union affiliates

(4) Party Responsible for Management

FeliCa Pocket Marketing, Inc.

President and Representative Director: Tetsuji Osamura

Sumitomo Realty & Development Suidobashi ikizaka Building 4th floor, 1-10-9 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

9.Request for Disclosure of Personal Information, etc.

You may request us to disclose your personal information (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use or elimination, suspension of provision to a third party) by contacting us. We will respond to such requests within a reasonable period of time after confirming the identity of the person making the request. Please refer to “Procedures for Requesting Disclosure of Retained Personal Data” below for details of the request for disclosure.

Users of the information bank are requested to make such requests directly on the “Information Bank” input screen.

10.Authorized Personal Information Protection Organizations

An authorized personal information protection organization is an organization authorized by the competent minister under Article 47 of the Personal Information Protection Law to ensure the proper handling of personal information by handling complaints about the handling of personal information and providing information to the subject business entity.

[Name of the authorized personal information protection organization and contact for complaint resolution]

Name of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization

Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC)

Contact for Resolving Complaints

Personal Information Protection Complaint Consultation Office

Address Roppongi First Building, 9-9 Roppongi 1-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan

Phone Number 03-5860-7565 0120-700-779 (NOTE: Open weekdays from 9:30 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:30)

11.Anonymous Processed Information

When we create anonymous processed information (anonymous processed information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 9 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information; the same shall apply hereinafter), we will take security control measures after appropriate processing following laws and regulations, and disclose the items of information concerning individuals contained in such anonymous processed information.

[Contact Information]

Requests for disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data, as well as inquiries and complaints regarding personal information, are handled at the following contact point:

Personal Information Inquiry Desk, FeliCa Pocket Marketing, Inc. Sumitomo Realty & Development Suidobashi ikizaka Building 4th floor, 1-10-9 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan E-mail Address: personal-info@felicapocketmk.co.jp

NOTE: During Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and Golden Week, we will respond on the next business day or later.

(*1) What is ” Retained Personal Data”?

It means a collection of personal information that is systematically organized so that specific personal information can be easily retrieved and for which we have the authority to respond to requests for disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, elimination, and suspension of provision to third parties requested by the person in question.

Procedures for Requesting Disclosure of Retained Personal Data

Requests from the person in question or their representative for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, elimination, or suspension of provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as “Request for Disclosure, etc.”) of retained personal data held by us will be handled using the following procedures with the request form prescribed by us. Please download the PDF file of the prescribed request form, print it out, and fill it in.

1.“Request for Disclosure, etc.” Contact

Please send your “Request for Disclosure, etc.” to the following address by postal mail, enclosing the prescribed request form, necessary documents, and handling charge:

Personal Information Inquiry Desk, FeliCa Pocket Marketing, Inc. Sumitomo Realty & Development Suidobashi ikizaka Building 4th floor, 1-10-9 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan E-mail Address: personal-info@felicapocketmk.co.jp

NOTE: During Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and Golden Week, we will respond on the next business day or later.

2.Documents to be Submitted for “Request for Disclosure, etc.”

To make a “Request for Disclosure, etc.” please fill in all the prescribed items on the request form (1) and send it by mail, enclosing (2).

(1) Our prescribed request form

“Request Form for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data”

(2) Identification documents

Please enclose a copy of one of the following identification documents:

①Driver’s license ②Passport ③Personal identification number (My number) card (front side only) ④Health insurance card ⑤Pension book ⑥Alien registration card ⑦Other official documents that can verify your identity

NOTE: Please black out all information except for the prefecture of permanent domicile. NOTE: For personal number cards, please make a photocopy of the front of the card without the personal number.

3.“Request for Disclosure, etc.” by Representative

If the person making the “Request for Disclosure, etc.” is a representative, in addition to documents (1) and (2) in Section 2, please enclose a copy of one of the documents listed in Section 3 (1) below that certifies that the person is a representative; and a copy of the document listed in Section 3 (2) below that identifies the representative:

(1) Documents certifying that you are the representative

<In the case of a representative authorized by the person themselves to request disclosure, etc.> ①A letter of authorization (original) from the person themselves <If the representative is a legal representative of a minor> ①A copy of the family register ②Other official documents that can confirm the authority of legal representation <If the representative is a legal representative of an adult ward of the court> ①Certificate of registered matters relating to guardianship registration, etc. ②Other official documents that can confirm the authority of legal representation

(2) Copies of documents that identify the representative

①Driver’s license ②Passport ③Personal identification number (My number) card (front side only) ④Health insurance card ⑤Pension book ⑥Alien registration card

NOTE: Please black out all information except for the prefecture of permanent domicile.

NOTE: For personal number cards, please make a photocopy of the front of the card without the personal number.

4.Fees for “Requests for Disclosure, etc.” and Method of Collection

Only in the case of a request for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use the following amount (including the cost of our reply) will be charged per request. Please enclose a postal fixed-sum money order for the following amount when mailing the requested documents.

Fee amount: 1,000 yen

5.Method of Response to “Request for Disclosure, etc.”

In principle, we will respond in writing (by sealed envelope) to the address indicated on the request form or by a method agreed upon by the person in question.

◇Personal information obtained in connection with a “Request for Disclosure, etc.” will be handled only to the extent necessary to respond to the Request for Disclosure, etc.

◇In the following cases, we may not be able to respond to a “Request for Disclosure, etc.”. In such cases, we will notify you of that effect and the reason. Please be advised that the fee will also be charged for non-disclosure.

①When the identity of the person in question or their representative cannot be confirmed. ②When the prescribed application documents are incomplete ③When the subject of the Request for Disclosure, etc. does not fall under the category of “Retained Personal Data” (NOTE) ④When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person in question or a third party ⑤When there is a risk of causing significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business ⑥When it violates laws and regulations

NOTE: Retained Personal Data means a collection of personal information that is systematically organized so that specific personal information can be easily retrieved, and for which we have the authority to respond to requests for disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, elimination, and suspension of provision to third parties requested by the person in question. However, if any of the following a) through d) applies, the information does not fall under the category of Retained Personal Data:

1.a) Information that may harm the life, body, or property of the person concerned or a third party if its existence or non-existence is revealed,

2.b) Information that may encourage or induce illegal or unjust acts if its existence or non-existence is revealed,

3.c) Information that may cause harm to national security, damage the relationship of trust with other countries or international organizations, or cause disadvantages in negotiations with other countries or international organizations, if its existence or non-existence is revealed, and

4.d) Information that may hinder the prevention, suppression, or investigation of crimes or the maintenance of other public safety and order if its existence or non-existence is revealed.

 Use of the Website (Cookie Policy)

1.Cookies on the Website (Cookie Policy)

Our website uses a technology called ” Cookies” to provide customers with more convenient use of our website and to provide better services. “Cookies” is a technology that enables us to identify your computer, but they do not identify you personally. You can restrict the use of “Cookies.” However, if you do so, you may be unable to use some of our services.

(1) Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics to improve the services we provide to our customers and to improve our website. User information collected by Google Analytics is managed following Google’s privacy policy.

2.Website Security

The pages on our website that require customers to provide personal information use SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which encrypts data for transmission. This means that even if a third party intercepts the transmitted data, there is no need to worry about the contents being intercepted. In addition, the server data is protected by a firewall system that prevents unauthorized access. These technologies ensure that the personal information of registered customers is not leaked to outside parties, and we take all possible measures to manage and protect such information.

3.Contents of the Website

Although our website can be accessed from countries around the world with different laws, the content of our website is subject to the laws of Japan. Access to this website from territories where the contents of this website are illegal is prohibited.

 Use of Health Connect

Our healthcare application complies with Google API Services User Date Policy and uses Health Connect as follows: We do not transfer or disclose your information to third parties for purposes other than the ones provided. Google API Console

1. Use of Health Connect

Our healthcare application is designed to benefit users’ health and fitness by using Health Connect in the application. Users of our healthcare application can review their lifestyle habits and develop healthy activity habits by tracking their “step count” themselves. The use of information received from Health Connect will adhere to the Health Connect Permissions policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

2.Prohibition of the Use of Collected Data for Advertising

We do not use Health Connect for selling or using user data for advertising purposes.

3.Purpose of Use, Method of Use, and Value Provided by the Data to be Collected

The data we collect, why we collect it, and how we use it are accurately represented. The use and value of the data to be collected to Health Connect, the method of consent to be collected, the policy statement, and the sharing of data are as follows:

(a) Use and value of data to be collected

Step Count Data: By monitoring the step count within the application, users of our healthcare application can review their lifestyle habits and develop a habit of healthy activities.

(b) Method of consent to be collected

Before the application uses Health Connect, it explicitly obtains consent for data acquisition in the application. Health Connect will collect no data before obtaining consent.

(c) Policy statement

The use and conditions of the data to be collected are clearly stated in the “Terms of Use.” You can also access the “Terms of Use” from the application.

(d) Sharing of data

Data accessed and obtained by Health Connect may be provided to third parties with the consent of our healthcare application users.

We do not provide authentication linkage with other companies’ systems using technologies such as Oauth2.0.

We do not export data to wearable devices, etc.

4.How to Delete Collected Data

Information collected by Health Connect will be deleted following the request of our healthcare application users.

5.Authority when Using Health Connect

Our health care application displays the appropriate permissions necessary to benefit the user’s health and fitness.

– Authorization: Read physical activity data stored in Health Connect; read step count information of our healthcare application users who access Health Connect.

6.Compliance with Health Connect Prohibitions

We do not use Health Connect for any purposes for which access to Health Connect is prohibited.

– We do not use it as an application designed to be coupled with human experimentation, medical research, or other similar research data without prior written authorization.

– It is not used as an application designed for medical information purposes unless prior written authorization is obtained from Google.

– It is not used as an application that is positioned to potentially qualify as a medical device.

7.Security Control Measures for Collected Data

Information collected by Health Connect is used with secure data processing.

– FeliCa Pocket Marketing is ISO/IEC27001:2013 certified.

– The collected data is stored in the device and system databases.

– The collected data is stored in databases using industry-defined encryption standards.

– Data is transmitted using the HTTPS protocol.

8.Data Transfer of Collected Data within the EU

Our healthcare application is intended for use in Japan, and we do not transfer data to Europe.


制定日 平成28年 8月 1日

最終改訂日 令和4年 8月 18日


代表取締役社長 納村 哲二












登録番号 第21001311(03)号

取得日  令和3年3月26日




〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷一丁目10番9号 住友不動産水道橋壱岐坂ビル4階 フェリカポケットマーケティング株式会社 個人情報問合せ窓口 メールアドレス:personal-info@felicapocketmk.co.jp

※ 土・日曜日、祝日、年末年始は翌営業日以降の対応とさせていただきます。




2017 A『保有個人データに関する事項の周知など』に基づき以下の事項を公表します。




代表取締役社長 納村哲二

〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷一丁目10番9号 住友不動産水道橋壱岐坂ビル4階



所属部署:フェリカポケットマーケティング(株)営業推進部 統括部長





分類 利用目的 開示区分
お客様情報 ・取得した情報を分析して、お客様のニーズに応じたサービスを案内・提供するため。 ・イオングループ各社との間で上記目的のために共同利用するため。 ・弊社の企業情報を案内するため。 ・情報銀行で利用するため。 開示
株主情報 ・情報公開や配布物を送付したり、連絡するため 開示
取引先情報 ・商談、及び、業務上の諸連絡をするため。 ・受発注や、請求・支払いを行うため。 開示
社員情報 ・社員の人事労務管理、業務管理、健康管理、セキュリティ管理を行うため。 ・福利厚生や教育研修機会を提供するため。 ・会報等の連絡物を送付するため。 ・自治体からの業務の受託や、カーシェアリング・レンタカー契約等を目的として第三者へ提供するため。 ・イオングループ各社との間で共同利用するため。 開示
特定個人情報 ・番号法に定められた利用目的のため 開示
採用応募者に関する個人情報 ・採用応募者へ連絡するため。 ・履歴書や面接、等で得た情報を分析して、当該分析結果を採否の検討・決定のために利用するため。 ・イオングループ各社との間で共同利用するため 開示


分類 利用目的 開示区分
お客様情報 ・(通話記録)電話での注文受付処理や、発注内容確認のため。 ・(監視カメラ映像記録)防犯のため。 開示


分類 利用目的 開示区分
公開されている情報から取得した個人情報 新商品、新サービスの企画、開発におけるマーケティング分析のため <対象となる公開されている情報> NTT電話帳、住宅地図、各協会会員名簿 開示
提携事業者から提供を受けた個人情報 ・当社の製品、サービス等に関して、当社の提携事業者を通じてお問い合わせ、ご照会頂いた製品・サービス等をご案内するため 非開示
業務の受託に伴って預託される個人情報 ・当社の正当な事業に関する以下の受託業務 ・メール配信代行 ・ポイント管理業務 ・コールセンター業務 ・キャンペーン事務局代行業務 ・上記に付随する業務 に関し契約を履行するため。 ・上記目的の範囲内でのご連絡・接触するため。 非開示


分類 利用目的 開示区分
お客様情報 ・取得した情報を分析し、会社を調査するため。 ・情報銀行で利用するため。 開示
採用応募者に関する個人情報 ・採用応募者へ連絡するため。 ・履歴書や面接、等で得た情報を分析して、当該分析結果を採否の検討・決定のために利用するため。 開示











(1) 当社は、お客さまの個人情報の保護と適切な取扱いに関して、社内教育を継続して実施しています。

(2) 当社は、定期的に適切な監査を行い、個人情報保護に係るマネジメントシステムを見直しいたします。


当社は、お客さま等の個人情報の取扱を委託する場合には、当該委託先について必要かつ適切な監督を行ってまいります。なお、再委託、再々委託等の二段階以上の委託が行われた場合には、委託先が再委託先等に対して十分な監督を行っているかについても監督を行います。 また、お客さまの同意なく、お客さまの個人情報の取扱を外国にある第三者に委託することはありません。






(1)  共同利用するものの利用目的


(2)  共同利用する個人データの項目



(3) 共同して利用する者の範囲


(4) 管理に責任を有する者


代表取締役社長 納村 哲二

〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷一丁目10番9号 住友不動産水道橋壱岐坂ビル4階




(1)  共同利用する者の利用目的 上記3で定めた利用目的

(2)  共同利用する個人情報の項目




④福利厚生情報: 各種慶弔に関する情報、福利施設利用状況等

⑤社会保険情報: 健康保険、厚生年金保険、労災保険、雇用保険等

⑥健康情報(※): 健康診断結果情報、休職等にかかる健康情報等(労働安全衛生法第66条の10で定めるストレスチェックの個人結果を除く)

※ 健康情報については、労働安全衛生法第104条第3項及び「労働者の心身の状態に関する情報の適正な取扱いのために事業者が講ずべき措置に関する指針」で策定が義務付けられた「イオン健康情報取扱規程」に別途、詳しく定めるものとします。

⑦その他: 雇用促進に必要な心身の障害に関する情報、業務上災害に関する情報等

(3) 共同利用者の範囲


(4) 管理に責任を有する者


代表取締役社長 納村 哲二

〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷一丁目10番9号 住友不動産水道橋壱岐坂ビル4階












〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木一丁目9番9号 六本木ファーストビル内



0120-700-779(※受付時間 平日9:30~12:00,13:00~16:30)





フェリカポケットマーケティング株式会社 個人情報問合せ窓口

〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷一丁目10番9号 住友不動産水道橋壱岐坂ビル4階









フェリカポケットマーケティング株式会社 個人情報問合せ窓口

〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷一丁目10番9号 住友不動産水道橋壱岐坂ビル4階





(1)当社所定の請求書 「保有個人データ開示等請求書」





















































(1)Google アナリティクス

当社ウェブサイトでは、お客さまへ提供するサービスの向上およびウェブサイトの改善のためにGoogle アナリティクスを利用しています。

Google アナリティクスにより収集された利用者の情報は、Google社のプライバシーポリシーに基づいて管理されます。





Health Connect の利用について

当社ヘルスケアアプリはGoogle API Services User Date Policyに準拠し、下記の通りHealth Connectを利用します。 Google では、提供された目的以外の目的で、お客様の情報を第三者に譲渡または開示することはありません。

1.Health Connectの利用について

当社ヘルスケアアプリは、アプリケーション中でHealth Connectを利用し、利用者の健康とフィットネスに利益をもたらすことを目的として設計されたアプリケーションです。当社ヘルスケアアプリ利用者は、「歩数」をご自身で把握することによって、生活習慣の見直しや健康活動の習慣化を図ることが可能です。Health Connectから受信した情報の使用は、限定使用要件を含むHealth Connectのアクセス許可ポリシーに準拠します。


広告目的でのユーザーデータの販売や使用などでHealth Connectを使用していません。


収集するデータ、収集する理由、使用方法を正確に表現しています。Health Connectへの収集するデータの利用とその価値、収集する同意の方法、ポリシーの明記、データの共同使用は、以下の通りです。

(a) 収集するデータの利用とその価値


(b) 収集する同意の方法

アプリケーションがHealth Connectを利用する前に、アプリケーション中でデータ取得の同意を明示的に取得します。同意の取得前にHealth Connectでデータ収集を行うことはありません。

(c) ポリシーの明記


(d) データの共同使用

Health Connectでアクセスして取得したデータは、当社ヘルスケアアプリ利用者からの、個人情報の第三者提供の同意を得たうえで、提供する場合があります。




Health Connectで取得した情報は、当社ヘルスケアアプリ利用者の要望に従い、削除を実施します。

5.Health Connect利用時の権限


・権限:Health Connectに保存された身体活動データの読み込みHealth Connectにアクセスした当社ヘルスケアアプリ利用者の歩数情報を読み込みます。

6.Health Connectの禁止事項の遵守

Health Connectへのアクセスを禁止している用途でHealth Connectの利用は行っていません。





Health Connectで取得した情報は、安全なデータ処理をもって利用しています。





